枠組みを超えた新しい可能性を追求し 新鮮で価値のあるソリューションを提供します

私たち合同会社 Beyond The Boundary のミッションは、枠組みを超えた新しい可能性を追求し、クライアントと社会に新鮮で価値のあるソリューションを提供することです。


Our mission is to pursue new possibilities beyond existing frameworks, providing fresh and valuable solutions to our clients and society.

Armed with flexible thinking and creativity, we assist in transforming our clients' visions into reality. Through promotional services including marketing, event planning and branding strategy development, we are committed to fully supporting our clients in achieving their goals.

アイデアをビジョンに(Ideas to Vision)


Through close dialogue with clients, market research, trend analysis, and understanding the needs of stakeholders, we provide innovative ideas and transform them into concrete and feasible visions.

ビジョンを戦略に(Vision to Strategy)


Based on the established vision, we translate it into a specific action plan. This involves the optimal allocation of resources, setting a clear timeline for implementation, building the appropriate team, and selecting the necessary technologies and methodologies to ensure the success of the strategy.

戦略を実行に(Strategy to Execution)


We transform strategies into specific actions, advancing plans and managing projects. Through regular monitoring of progress and timely adjustments, we ensure the execution of strategies that lead into the future and effectively progress towards achieving our goals.


  • プロモーション事業
  • 企画開発事業
  • 映像制作事業
  • ライセンス事業
  • 貿易事業
  • 育成事業

Business Activities

  • Promotion Business
  • Planning and Development
  • Video Production
  • Licensing Business
  • Trade Business
  • Nurturing Business


合同会社 Beyond The Boundary

創立日:2023 年 11 月 17 日
代表社員:稲 垣  力

〒231-0012 横浜市中区相生町 3-61 泰生ビル2階
TEL: 045-900-4443. FAX: 045-900-4446

Beyond The Boundary Corporation

Established on November 17, 2023
CEO : Ricci Inagaki

Taisei Building 2F, 3-61 Aioi-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0012, Japan
TEL: 045-900-4443. FAX: 045-900-4446
